Can Vitamin D make cancer patients live longer ?

Taking high doses of multi-vitamins is usually not a good idea for someone having a well balanced diet and hence multivitamins are not medically advocated.

Vitamin D is often an exception. Lot of prostate and breast cancer patients are often advised to make sure they have adequate vitamin D ( sunlight exposure , but D rich diet or Vit D supplements) for preservation bone health.

An intriguing study presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting on June 3, 2019 suggests Vitamin D supplements can help cancer patients live longer.

Vitamin D was associated with significant reduction of cancer-related deaths in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer in the past.

On the other hand , in healthy people with no prior history of cancer, Vitamin D did not have any cancer prevention properties.


ASCO. 2019. Annual Meeting abstracts. Role of vitamin D supplementation for primary prevention of cancer: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

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